PayPal Stories Archive

Employee Spotlight: Sales and success
Meet Loic, a member of our French Telesales team. Loic has been with PayPal for two years and in that time has grown to be one of the top performers in his area.
Making connections and taking opportunities…
Loic always had a passion for the fast-paced targeted environment that you get within a role in sales. Moving to Ireland, to pursue an international career, he joined a recruitment start up where he sourced talent for businesses across a variety of sectors. As chance would have it, whilst head hunting prospective candidates, he reached out to a Telesales Team Leader within PayPal.
“After a few phone calls he told me that he wasn’t interested in any of the positions we had to offer, however, we built a good relationship and he asked if i’d be interested in joining his team. Two years on he is still my Team Leader. I love and appreciate the support and mentorship I received from that moment until now.”
Feeling the vibe…
Loic instantly took to the PayPal culture and in particular the connected, buzzing team environment within French Telesales.
“I love the environment and culture at PayPal. In particular, the teamwork element here is one of the first things I noticed. All of my success to date has come with hard work but also as result of having such a great team around me. I love the culture of empowerment. We have the freedom and support to be innovative and this creates a great energy! We are all pushing each other to go further and continue driving for success together.
If you need extra resources or training to achieve your targets and professional goals PayPal makes this happen. This allows you to be dynamic and helps you get to that next level in your career."
Reaping the rewards…
Throughout his two years at PayPal Loic has made waves in his role, having made a considerable impact both within his team and also for our customers earning him an array of performance awards and bonuses.
“Over my two years to date with PayPal, I received multiple recognition rewards for my work. It makes it all worthwhile when you get to stand in front of your colleagues and leadership and be recognised for your efforts. The money is great, as are the bonuses here, however, working for and having a world leader in it’s field on your CV is priceless.”
In your opinion, what are the key elements for success in Sales?
Loic puts his success down to a few key factors:
1. Persistence
“You must be eager for success and be self driven and self reliant. PayPal will give you the tools to achieve, however, you need to bring your best self each and every day.”
2. Communication
“A good salesman must understand his customer’s needs. When mastered, this is the single most satisfying part of my job. Helping them make the right decision about a product you know will only be beneficial for their business is hugely rewarding.”
3. Passion
“If you genuinely believe in the product you are selling and trust that it will have a positive impact on your customers then you will achieve your targets much easier. This only comes with the right company and the right product to sell.”

We are hiring now for our Sales Teams! Apply today!
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Stephen Boyle, PayPal stories staff

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